Kriegsmarine Named Seaman’s Dark Blue Pullover Shirt with Trousers and Collar Dickie

Price: $1265.00
Item #GU-009
Kriegsmarine Named Seaman’s Dark Blue Pullover Shirt with Trousers and Collar Dickie
Sailors Pullover dark blue wool shirt with golden yellow woven breast eagle and with the cornflower blue braided closing cords. Has owners name on white tag sewn to the lower inside of the back, red on white "Matyhes" over "N 1400/36 S", this item looks unused even though it was issued. The dark blue wool trouser are text book and are in near mint condition and do not look like they have ever been worn. The Dickie that could be worn with this is used but has same owner type tag, white tag with red hand woven numbers "N 1400S' over "36" with bevo weave name tag, same as in the dark blue pull over jumper, also has clothing ink stamp. Overall shirt & trouser are near mint, the collar Dickie is nice but shows wartime wear, the white is no very bright, but nice and the dark blue is a little fated. Would think the owner Matyhes would have had some kind of sleeve rank or trade badges, but looks like he never used the items an never got around to adding any other insignia, the eagle is the only item that came on it from the maker/factory. Overall very nice. High Exc. + to Near Mint $1265.00