M43 Enlisted Army Cavalry Reconnaissance Tunic

Price: $3000.00 or Best Offer
Item #GU-006
M43 Enlisted Army Cavalry Reconnaissance Tunic
Tunic looks unissued and is made of grey green wool with six button front with four patched pockets, buttons are standard pebbled type with grey green painted finish, the painted finish are nice with almost no wear. Collar tabs are the mouse grey color with a little dark grey bars, the breast eagle is factory machine sew, 4th pattern eagle grey on grey green, bevo type weave. Shoulder boards are a match pair, made of grey green wool with golden yellow silk rayon type piping. The inside is lined with the light grey silk rayon material and is marked with Rbnr number 0/0368/0023 with size markings and E43 for date. There is no wear on the tunic inside or outside, has one moth nip on right cuff, almost looks like it was there when tunic was made, SEE "Multi-View" Photos. High Exc. to Near Mint $3000.00 or Best Offer