Army 31st Artillery Regt. 31st Inf. Div. Gefreiter Dress Waffenrock Tunic

Price: $1100.00
Item #GU-004
Army 31st Artillery Regt. 31st Inf. Div. Gefreiter Dress Waffenrock Tunic
Tunic is made of nice quality smooth grey green wip cord wool with dark green wool collar and cuffs piped in red, also piped in red down front of tunic. Tunic has eight button front with standard silver aluminum pebbled finish. The two cuffs patches on each cuffs are hand embroidered is silver aluminum wire on red wool, collar tabs have silver aluminum wire Litzen mounted of red wool tabs. Shoulder boards are made of dark green wool with red wool piping with Regt. number "31"hand embroidered on each with red cord. There is button under shoulder board on the right for the marksmanship cord. Breast eagle is the 1st pattern, silver aluminum flat wire on grey and mounted of grey green wool. Gefreiter chevron on the left sleeve has silver aluminum wire chevron on dark green, the chevron has turned a little grey over the years. Tunic has loops for ribbon bar or metal bar with loops for two badges. The inside is lined with grey green dark silk rayon type material, with one inside breast pocket with two pockets in the rear tail flaps, one in each, also has nice bevo weave tailors label in top of neck. There is a lot of history with the 31st Inf. Div. Private purchase tunic with some wartime wear with some light age, but very nice. Exc. + $1100.00